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The time is now to rethink your recruitment advertising

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, nearly everything we know has been significantly altered – especially recruitment. At Point 13, we understand how important it is to adapt to this new landscape, particularly in light of research suggesting that a “great resignation” – created by the uncertainty of our current context – is underway. This week, we want to talk about why people are looking at changing or leaving their jobs and how we can help.


First, what is “the Great Resignation”?

According to a new Microsoft survey, 41% of workers globally are thinking about handing in their notice, while a recent PwC survey has revealed that almost one in five workers in the UK say they are very or extremely likely to change jobs in the next 12 months. On paper, these statistics look concerning. They certainly pose a challenge: but we want to show you how to transform these challenges into opportunities.


Why are people thinking of resigning?

Covid-19 and the threat of a recession have compounded to create a context of uncertainty and reappraisal. People are using this time to reconsider what it is they really want from a career. Interestingly, it’s not just dissatisfaction with their current job that is causing employees to rethink: it’s the gap between what people want and what they’re currently getting. With the dramatic rise in remote and flexible working, for example, employees are learning how they want to work and are actively seeking employment that will meet these aims.


What can you do?

Use social media

The good news here is that there are more passive candidates that would be open to your opportunity than ever before. These might be people who are thinking about changing jobs but haven’t yet been faced with the right opportunity. The key is to shake up and rethink your advertising strategy, primarily through the incorporation of social media. We’ve seen companies from every sector engaging in social media recruitment to boost their employer brand and reach high-quality passive candidates at this pivotal time – and we’d love to help you do the same. Our service includes content management, scheduled posts, and active engagement with hyper-targeted candidates that are perfect for your role.

Look at your perks

We’d also suggest looking at your current benefits and working structure. With 62% of those surveyed claiming that hybrid or flexible working is a preference, it’s imperative that you reconsider whether you can put these kinds of working arrangements in place to attract talent. Watch this space for our next blog in this series, which will focus on the benefits that employees are looking for in 2022.

Talk to your staff

In addition to focusing on attracting new staff, it’s essential to check in with your existing employees, with a focus on their wellbeing and mental health. Stress appears to be a core driver fuelling the “great resignation”, so make sure that you discuss work/life balance and create a culture that shows your staff that you’re there to talk – and listen.


Stay in touch

In this series, we’ll be expanding on employee benefits in our next blog, followed by workplace wellbeing. To read the full blog series and stay up-to-date with more recruitment hints and tips from our experienced team, follow us on social media.

Of course, if you’re looking to adapt your recruitment strategy now, get in touch today and find out how we can help.